Join TSTA-Retired

If not us, who?

Be a part of the movement again! As an integral part of the public school employees’ union, your TSTA-R membership will contribute to the ongoing movement that supports, protects, and strengthens public education in Texas. Strength in numbers, remember? Imagine how effectively your wealth of knowledge and experience could impact education today. With TSTA-Retired, you can continue to support public education and advocate for the welfare of all school employees, both active and retired.


One year membership in TSTA-R/NEA-R. Dues are $61 for Retired ESP and $75 for Retired Professional, plus region/local dues where applicable. Dues must be paid every year to maintain membership. Visit to enroll online, or call us at (877) ASK-TSTA to request an enrollment form by mail or email.

Member Benefits.  As a member of TSTA-R/NEA-R, don’t forget to take advantage of benefits such as Click & Save, savings and investment plans, credit programs, and insurance discounts. 

Go to and to find out how to recoup your membership dues by saving money through our member benefits program.

Fellowship and social networking opportunities. Meet with other education retirees in your area on the regional, state, and national level.  Get together for general meetings in your area. Plan trips through tour packages. Organize and become a leader. Volunteer together in your community. Attend TSTA and NEA conventions. To learn more, please contact TSTA-Retired officers or region directors in your area. Click on the “Board of Directors & Leaders” link on the left side of this page for a list of current TSTA-R officers and Directors.

For the TSTA-R Membership Brochure
Click here!

Ready to Join TSTA-Retired/NEA-Retired?
Click here!