Month: <span>July 2024</span>

Another Trump presidency would pose dark time for public education and democracy; script already written

Were Donald Trump to win the presidency in November, it may be an exaggeration to say he would take us all the way back to the Dark Ages, but it is no exaggeration to say he would take our country to a darker time.

A time of detention camps along the border, segregated schools, classrooms where hostile acts toward kids who are “different” are tolerated and bleaker economic prospects for millions of middle-class workers, including many of Trump’s own MAGA supporters.

Trump is not talking about these consequences as he tours the country promising to make America “great” again. But a well-heeled group of Trump supporters at the right-wing Heritage Foundation has already drafted a detailed plan, several hundred pages long, for Trump to begin implementing right after Inauguration Day. If carried out, it would begin to destroy our public education system and inflict much damage to our democracy as well.

This plan, called Project 2025, would abolish the U.S. Department of Education and create a national voucher system by diverting billions of federal education tax dollars to religious and other private schools. This would be done through a system of no-strings-attached block grants to the states. In time, this practice would result in a dual but unequal education system of well-funded private and religious schools and under-funded public schools, with students segregated by family income.

Wealthy and upper middle-class families would receive tax subsidies for tuition payments most of them could already afford, while low-income kids, including millions of children of color, would be left in public schools struggling to find the resources needed for a minimal education. Even with vouchers, most low-income families would be unable to afford many private schools. And deprived of adequate funding, many public school districts would ultimately be forced to close, the goal of school privatization advocates intent on profiting from education or spreading religious instruction, not improving the lives of children who would be left behind.

Destroying public education, of course, is what Gov. Greg Abbott and others already have been trying to do state-by-state with school voucher plans. But Trump, if elected to another term in the White House, would speed up the process.

The script written by Trump’s supporters also calls for a repeal of President Biden’s expansion of Title IX to protect students from discrimination based on gender identify. If Trump returns to the Oval Office, transgender kids would have little, if any, protection from bullying by their classmates – or harassment by politicians.

Meanwhile, many working-class families would be thrust into poverty by a repeal of basic employment protections.

Project 2025 would ban unions for educators and other public service workers, let companies eliminate unions in mid-contract, allow companies to stop paying for overtime and allow states to opt out of federal overtime and minimum wage laws. The plan would even eliminate some child-labor protections.

The extreme ideological script also calls for large numbers of immigrants – men, women and children — to be detained in border camps, while active-duty military personnel as well as National Guard troops are deployed to intercept and arrest migrants. Trump’s border wall would again become a major federal priority, and the Dreamers who came to the United States as children and for years have lived productive lives as teachers, nurses and other professionals in the only country they have ever known would again be in peril of deportation.

Project 2025 also would increase the powers of the presidency, allowing Trump, a convicted felon, to fire thousands of government civil service workers and replace them with political loyalists intent on helping him achieve his goals. These would include giving Trump the autocratic power to use federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, to further his own political agenda, including retribution against opponents.

The people who drafted this plan fear the future and the multi-colored, multi-cultural, more representative democracy that future holds. These people are fearful, selfish, greedy and some undoubtedly are racist. They are trying to reverse decades of progress in educational, human and civil rights by taking us back to meaner, more restrictive times, and they know Donald Trump is eager to help them.

Kamala Harris, the likely Democratic nominee for president, will tear up the Project 2025 plan. “We are not going back,” she has declared.

This election must be about going forward. The survival of our public education system and our democracy depends on it.

Clay Robison