Educational Support Professionals

Why you should join TSTA/NEA
Join the TSTA family and become one voice through the power in numbers. Educational support professional membership is rapidly growing. TSTA has more than 13,000 ESP members statewide with more than 70 ESP leaders serving in various capacities at the local, regional, and state levels. By joining the TSTA family, ESPs have the opportunity to become actively engaged in their local association and serve as a role model for others. TSTA recognizes that ESPs are professionals who deserve respect and acknowledgment for their contributions to public education. ESPs enhance the lives of students from the moment they board the bus, to when they enter the cafeteria for their meals and the classroom to get an education. Read more
ESP Resources & Tools
ESP are critical members of the education workforce and ensure student success from pre-school through college. NEA offers a variety of resources and tools for ESPs:
- Publications designed to support and enhance ESP careers
- Information on grants offered to develop and implement innovations that significantly improve student learning
- Professional development opportunities
- Online resources