Welcome from the President

Welcome to the world of retirement!

This time, you are turning the page and beginning the new school year as retired. We thank you for your service in our public schools as an active TSTA/NEA member. Now that you have retired, this is not the end but rather the beginning of a new chapter in the TSTA/NEA family journey: Joining TSTA/NEA’s association for retired members, TSTA-R. As our retired motto says, we are “Always Active!”

We need your help, join the fight! Help us fight for a yearly Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) as well as protecting our retirement security (TRS). Help us repeal the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision (GPO-WEP). Help us advocate for public education — bringing respect to ALL Public School employees and making our public schools safer and healthier — by being a voice in the halls of the state legislature in Austin and in Washington, D.C.

Yes, there is much to be done and it takes all of us. We need you to help us make this all happen.

The benefits are many. NEA Member Benefits will still be available to you for great values on travel, auto insurance, cell phones, credit cards, pet protection, theme parks, and shopping…to name a few. Furthermore, you will receive the NEA Today Magazine with articles regarding retirement, health, best buys, and financial advice, as well as updates about what is happening in our organization around the country.

But the best benefit is belonging to the National Education Association, the largest labor union in the United States, and the Texas State Teachers Association, fighting for Texas public education.

Nothing stops once you retire, the FIGHT continues. We need you and invite you to be a part of the fight. Join TSTA/NEA-Retired today.

Best Regards,

Evelina Loya