Contribute to TSTA-PAC

Become a PAC contributor and receive a premium gift

Contributing to TSTA-PAC: the next step for professional educators

TSTA is active in the political arena because we understand the connection between our political engagement/power and officeholders’ decisions, which affect your personal and professional life.

Elected officials make many of the decisions that affect your profession and your students, including the level of salary and benefits you receive and investments in the classroom priorities that build a strong foundation for student learning.

Our Continuing Contributor Program under the TSTA-Political Action Committee is a vehicle for members who are active and engaged in the political process. Because TSTA dues money cannot be used to elect public officials, members use the Continuing Contributor Program to contribute money to help TSTA elect public officials who are supportive of educators and public education and will vote in the best interest of America’s schoolchildren.

Every member who contributes increases our collective strength.

Members who are first time TSTA-PAC continuing contributors or existing continuing contributors who upgrade their PAC contribution will receive a premium gift as a thank you for their year-long commitment. In order to qualify for the premium gift you must contribute at one of the following levels:

Teachers (monthly)
$10, $20, $30, $42, $52, $65 or $80

Education Support Professionals, Aspiring Educators (students) and Retired members (monthly)
$5, $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, or $35

Your contribution helps TSTA achieve our long-standing goals of improving public education for Texas children while at the same time improving salaries, benefits, and working conditions for educators and support professionals. We greatly appreciate any contribution that you are able to make to TSTA-PAC.

If you have questions, write to TSTA-PAC, 8716 N. Mopac Expy., Austin, TX 78759; call 877-ASK-TSTA, ext. 1317; or send an email to

Become a new continuing contributor or upgrade your current monthly contribution by filling out the following form.